Tuesday 15 November 2011

How to Make a Donation to Support HWSS Research

Readers of this blog will already know that the Bannasch Laboratory at UC Davis has already commenced the SNP arrays to find the genetic mutation which causes HWSS.     This is but the first stage in the process required to develop a diagnostic test for HWSS.

The array has for the most part, been financed from private donations.  There has been a small funding grant received but this was not as much money as what had already been received from donors.   To carry on with the second stage of the research a further $US5000 is needed.
The research group has had many requests asking what is the best method to donate funds.
The Centre for Equine Health (which the Bannasch Laboratory is part of) has the giving page.

One of the research group members tried the system out, and it works.
UC Davis donation page

On the above page you will see a link to a secure page.  Follow this link and you will see the following:

You need to specify where the money is to go:


and the person who is to be notified that a donation has been made:

The information above needs goes in the boxes on the far left of this screen (sorry cannot put arrows in to show you where).
The long thin field is where the Connemara DNA Research Fund goes.
The smaller box below: Dr Carrie Finno.

If credit card transfers are not your preferred method to make a donation  then you can send a cheque to the Center for Equine HealthOne Shields AveDavisCa 95616. 
Send a letter accompanying the cheque stating that the donation should be directed to Connemara DNA research.